Master Planning
High level planning for the likely or hoped-for growth of a facility or area over a particular time period. It allows the managers to plan cash flows and resources and anticipate infrastructure needs before they become urgent. It can also form part of feasibility studies, allowing the comparison of costs and benefits for various uses.
Feasibility Studies
Client meetings to identify aims, site analysis to identify opportunities, spatial programming and concept sketches to test fit. Review of likely constraints.
Brief Formation
Client meetings to identify aims and opportunities, resolve conflicts and agree on a clear statement of what is to be achieved. In more complex projects with numerous client representatives this can require a formal process with regular updating and review.
Concept Design
Generate initial concept proposals and review with client. Refine concept proposals and review again. Confirm client approval of preferred concept for development.
Design Development
Refine the concept design nominating materials and finshes. Identify conflicts and problems and resolve. Obtain feedback from Consultants and Authorities. Develop and document proposal in sufficient detail for Planning Approval Application.
Prepare the Documents to be part of a building contract. This includes drawings showing all parts of the building and describing what materials are to be used for each part, schedules of finishes and fixtures and written specifications of how all parts of the work are to be done. These documents are coordinated with similar documents prepared by the various consultants who have been employed. Select and prepare the building contract to be used.
Contract Administration
Assist the client to select appropriate tenderers for the building contract. Issue the invitation to tender. Review tenders and advise the client. Negotiate with tenderers and client as required to reach agreement. Assist in contract signing. Act as client's representative for the building process including answering queries and reviewing and certifying progress.
Landscape and Interior Design
Hearn Architects has experience in both these areas. Projects can be substantially enhanced by a holistic approach which integrates the interiors and/or the surrounding landscape into the overall design.
Architectural Consultancy
Problems can occur in any building process.
Recent experience has shown that In a distressed project, a review of the contractual and physical situation by experienced Architects can identify problems not found by other consultants.

Interior sketch

Exterior Sketch